Now what?

Today's New Jersey Star Ledger's endorsement of independent Chris Daggett for Governor reminds me a bit of the end of the movie "The Candidate" (confession: I've never seen the whole movie just the end).  After Robert Redford's challenger unexpectedly wins the election, he turns to his campaign manager and says, "Now what." (Or something like that, I couldn't find the clip on Youtube) With Corzine and Christie continually pounding each other, there is an opening for a candidate like Daggett who has taken serious positions on the issue -- especially as a good friend of mine says the issue people want addressed, property taxes.

I took a look at his first (and only ad) in this post, and I made the comment that the silly nature of the ad and the poor production values didn't present him as a legitimate serious candidate.  Now that he has the endorsement of a (the) major paper in the state, he's a serious candidate.  How does he present himself in his ads?

You can still do an interesting yet serious ad, it doesn't have to be the boring ads we've seen from Corzine or Christie, but it can't come off as silly or he risks framing himself as the only the gadfly in the race and not a serious contender.