Dueling ads in Alaska

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OmlkvPJZrk&feature=player_embedded] I've don't think I've ever seen an endorsement ad quite like this one.  You see dead people's support invoked, but never actually seen them talking on camera.  Politically, this spot may help Murkowski, but it's piss poor production values. This is a US Senator, and Murkowski is running for Senate, it looks like an ad for local office, council member or used car salesman.

Still, it is odd to see a dead guy talking to you, wonder what the conversation around running the ad was like. Still, all that doesn't matter if people can get over the fact that Stevens is dead, that the delivery is stilted, and it looks like it was shot on a home video camera, Stevens name still carries weight in Alaska, and this race is close.


Now, to the guy who has the most to lose from Murkowski's write in.  This video is a parody of the Old Spice ads that are so popular. As a parody it's pretty good, it loses some of the original's cleverness, but the hit on Murkowski is solid (she lost), the bio stuff on Miller gets old.

It's clever and done cheaply, which seems to matter in Alaska (judging by these two ads, well one ad and one video).