Sometimes we confuse the jelly with the donut. I like this spot so much better when we're hearing from the candidate...

It's like passion, energy, connections, then Blah (message), Blah (poll issues), Blah (on the nose), energy again.

When it comes to emotion v. message which one will you remember from this spot?

Own your own story

Anthony Weiner is running for Mayor of New York City.

So there are a lot of things to like about the video. First of all, I love the message, I love how he ties his story of growing up to the story of a City. As a naitive New Yorker, his theme, that New York is moving awy from average middle class folks feels like it could powerfully resonate with a lot of people.

Emotionally I think the tone is right.

But... I question the decision to put the 'appology' so far into the video almost 2/3rds at 1:44). That's the elephant in the room for Weiner. Right now that mea culpa is almost brushed off, then he's sitting wife by his side (which was the most awkward part of the video).

But what if he made the appology and the sin a part of his story? What if he started with that, owned his mistke, but then turned it into part of his rationale for running... (It was embarrassing, I messed up, I was dumb, I hurt a lot of people, and let more people down. It would be easy to listen to the pundits and the tabloids, to not run, to save myself the embarrassment, but you know PUT MESSAGE & STORY HERE.)

You have to own your story, all the parts of it because if you don't others will.

I have a saying, everything before the "but" is a lie or doesn't matter: I really like you but..., You're a great assest to this company, but..., you did a great job on that project, but.....

I think Weiner wants to shrug off the appology, wants to deflect the elephant in the room instead of embracing it (that's a mixed metaphor or a poor one for sure). Ultimately I think that will do him in rather than help him.

This is a pretty good opening video, but....